
Saturday, September 15, 2012

1973 Harley Davidson/Aermacchi SS350 Turn Signal Mount Repair

Previous owner had cut off turn-signal mounting stocks.  New mounting stocks were fabricated on a lathe and TIG welded in place.

Previous owner had also cut off turn-signal mounting stocks from handlebar.  Handlebar  with cut off mounting stock is on top.  Replacement handlebar is on bottom.

New handlebar with turn-signal.

Replacement grips.

New grips installed.

Repaired turn-signal mounting bracket re-painted with turn-signal installed.


  1. I can’t imagine why the previous owner of the motorcycle would cut the turn signal off. Even if you have the most awesome, coolest, and wickedest bike in the planet, you still the safety features. Otherwise, you would just endanger yourself when driving it. Anyway, nice work with the bike! The new turn signal looks good to go.

    1. I was told he was going for a cafe look. I'm glad I could get a hold of it before he did too much damage.
