
Friday, July 5, 2019

1972 Scat Cat for sale at the 2019 Mecum Las Vegas Motorcycle Auction


  1. Hi! Unsure if you will see this...I have an original Scat-cat SC114, not ASC114. ALL original. Red. No parts or paint replacement, stored for decades, but used well and dusty. I'd brought it out of storage recently to sell it for medical bills for my son with Autism, primarily, who also has medical conditions and is probably hospitalized on average, 8-10 times/year. Well, it went missing from my garage recently. No idea how, but I do have photos, and filed a police report. Since I've followed your page from time to time to see if I can find valuations, maybe whoever stole mine from me may stumble across you, too. This bike is more important to me as a reminder of good times when young, that sadly, went very wrong. I needed to let it go for medical bills and for Christmas this year, but someone else decided they needed it more??? If by any chance someone contacts you will a full Scat-Cat SC114, Red to inquire about anything, they very likely have my bike. If so, would you mind calling my local police department at 804-748-1251 and reference report # 201912110281 with any information about anyone other than me who may contact you with a bike described as mine? It would be best they not know it has been reported stolen if they have my bike. Information from them, name/address/phone/photos/license plate if anyone presents it to you somehow, or you see one anywhere...As a fellow bike enthusiast, surely you know how important this is for me. The personal value is FAR higher than what actual market value probably is, but I've not seen one like mine anywhere, all original. My initials are WL. If you happen to call police, I'd hope you let them know I reached out to you and would love to talk. If nothing else, to determine if anything that may show up could really be my bike, or even bike parts from it. Again, I have photos that would pretty clearly show unique markings (scratches from having FUN with it!) Sorry to bother you. I'm SO heartbroken. :( Thanks if you read this far. I'm in Virginia.

  2. Why oh Why, did they have to do this right before Christmas? My dream is, someone 'found it' (unsure how, from my garage!) took it to a place to clean it up and get it running (Haven't pulled the starter in over 30 years!) and return it. I'd be completely in shock if the person(s) who took my bike had that much humanity in them. I've always been a dreamer...WL - Virginia

    1. WL, I'll keep these comments on the blog. Hope someone finds it and gets in touch with you.
